First jobs completed... loads more to do..
- My mother-in-law has offered to sew me up some new cushions for the cabin to replace the current one's which I think must be original...having slept on the boat on at least two occasions I can confirm you may as well lie on newspaper!
- Find the material - needs to be waterproof but sew-able - apparently my wife knows just the stuff
- Find the foam - a quick glance at the web would indicate this stuff is priced like gold dust.. more research is required!
New s/s shackle for where the bottom of the cunningham (down-haul to us unrepentant windsurfing types!) connects to the bottom of the mast - currently a nasty galvanised job- New s/s shackle for the top of the jib where it connects to the roller furling foil - currently a very small shackle with split pin - not up to the job
Small plastic eye to whip into the end of the new topping lift- Replace/renew topping lift
Replace/renew jib halyardHere you can see why.. very worn by the eye - with a roller reefing jib the sail stays up all season. with the halyard under pressure - so basically it's worn where it sits over the pulley...
Sew the end of the old one to the end of the nice new one, butting them together... loads of stitches - you do not want to lose the end in side the mast...
Old eye whipped into the end of the new halyard - rubbish picture of a right proper job...
- Rip out old cabin lining below the shelving - take back to GRP, prime and paint - extend the paint into the quarter berths, and forward as required.
- Investigate cabin lining forward to see if I can make an interim repair that's neater than fourteen strips of gaffer tape!
- Re-splice rope to anchor for main anchor - looking worn and slightly frayed..
- Finish off the electrical connections for masthead and deck light that I put back together earlier in the summer but haven't tested - need to confirm positive..
- Rub back and refresh the varnish down below, and on the washboards - do this after the painting
- Build "A" frame for easier mast lowering and raising - two bits of three by three, hinged with an eye bolt, and with a big lump of pulley and tackle should make raising and lowering the mast a whole lot easier - and may mean I can take advantage of the club lift in rather than having to trundle the trailer along the road.. this is not a high priority item - the advantage is it can be built at home in spare time.
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