Distance: 7.24 miles (cumulative total over there to the left)
Wind: SSW - Force 1 or 2, going to SSE half way through the afternoon...
Maximum speed 5 knots (under motor but I saw a few 2.5's under sail), average speed 2.3 knots...
* My outboard dates from 1990 so she's not a spring chicken, and when I had her serviced earlier this year the mechanic told me that he'd had to do some welding on the petrol tank as there were some corrosion-caused holes. He warned me that it might not be completely fixed, and it seems he was right as she is leaking from somewhere I can't see.. In those days they made the tanks from mild steel so I think after 21 years I should expect it... the alternative is just to convert her for an external fuel tank, but last week I got luck on eBay and found a spare replacement tank at an outboard breakers in Wales for less than £30... fingers crossed it will keep her going for another 20 years....

..and just to finish off..
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