Separately, the sugar soaping is complete and as launch day is getting frighteningly closer I plan to slap on a coat of paint this weekend if the weather is suitable.
Even more separately, my mate Rod sent me an email yesterday asking me if I fancied doing the Round the Island Race this year... it's the 80th Anniversary so is going to be a mega event. No surprises on the answer - if there's an email equivalent of biting your arm off I sent it!
Lastly separately, Jellybean Phil tells me Barley II has sold - this is excellent news as it very much looks like she's going to be done up and sailed again - she's going to Windermere I believe, which will be a bit of a change for her (yes, we all know boats are inanimate, really..) Best of luck to the new owner...
Congrats on passing the Days kipper exam. Errr if your mate needs some more ballast I could oblige :D and finally some bad news... It seems Barley II got blown onto the bank and filled with water during the high winds last week and filled with water. Not sure what her fate will be now.